Prepare Your Patio For Winter

- Keep it clean: It’s important to remove debris and leaves from your hardscape surfaces as we move through fall. Dominion Hardscapes offers a number of surface sealants and cleaners to remove debris and keep stains at bay through the winter.
- Don’t forget the furniture: Before you put away your patio furniture and grill for the winter, be sure to clean them properly. Although designed to be outside, they can gather mold and bacteria, so clean them now to keep them in prime condition for patio season. Wood and aluminum furniture can be left out all winter. However, don’t cover the wood because moisture can become trapped and damage it. Steel and wicker furniture should be brought inside. Wicker will expand and contract, while steel will rust easily.
- Remove snow quickly: Although the snow looks pretty sitting on your patio, it can lead to the damage of your pavers. It’s best to remove the snow quickly, as water runoff from the snow can seep into the stone and damage it with repeated freezing and thawing occurs. Use a plastic or soft-edged shovel to protect your hardscape products.
- Mulch landscaping: Mulch will help protect your plants and soil by retaining moisture and discouraging weed growth. Look for areas that could use a fresh layer of winter protection.
- De-ice carefully: Some salts and ice melting compounds can damage your pavers, so consult with a hardscape professional before putting them on your patio.
For more information on how we can help protect your hardscapes, please contact us online.